The Evolution of the SAR Logo
Original logo
The merger of the three schools presented opportunities and challenges. One of the challenges was deciding on a name. Those individuals responsible for the merger had a hard decision to make. Some wanted to retain the original names, while others wanted a fresh title. Rabbi Greenberg, favored YAVNEH, where Jewish scholars kept the Torah alive after the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash. Rabbi Lamm from Akiba was inclined towards RASHI, which would contain the letters of Riverdale, Akiba, Salanter, and the Hebrew Institute. Finally, S/A/R—an acronym of Salanter, Akiba, Riverdale—emerged as the logical choice. The original logo was created by Yudi Lefkowitz.
“It was at a meeting of the principals of the three school, at the home of the Jesselsons, that the name S/A/R was finally agreed upon. Mr. Jesselson, a man of great modesty and thoughtfulness, understood that the two schools from the Bronx that would be moving from their neighborhoods to Riverdale were concerned they would lose their place in the merger. My father, a modest person who was not concerned with titles and billing, made the final decision.”
Current logo
In 2005, Dan Harelick was approached by David Sable to study the SAR logo and explore ideas for creating an updated institutional identity program, including a new logo and support materials, which would accurately reflect the school’s warmth, energy, and commitment to providing an education that caters to every child’s unique abilities.
Dan’s instinctive reaction was to incorporate a new brighter color palette to convey the joy that resonates throughout the school. The palette began with the three primary colors and was inspired by Rav Shimon the Tzaddik’s description of Judaism’s three pillars in Pirkei Avot. He states, “On three things the world stands: on the Torah, on the service and on acts of lovingkindness.” By adding both secondary and tertiary colors into the mix, and overlapping the initials in a more modern typeface, the logo becomes representative of the eclectic diversity of SAR’s student body, and the intimate and unique way SAR, through its combined curriculum of Hebrew language, Judaic Studies, and General Studies, so beautifully impacts all of our lives.
SAR 50 Logo
The logo for the 50th Anniversary was created by the Dov Abramson Studio in Israel. When reflecting on the design Dov explained its origin... “The visual language of the logo and background design, evokes an open and playful space that invites creativity. It has a collaborative and transparent look and feel-- all of these making for a great reflection of SAR’s soul.” We agree!